I never used to like Halloween. From bad experiences as a child working in haunted houses, to nightmares from horror movies, dressing up as Bob Marley and going dateless, and being mugged one year…yeah, not my favorite memories.
Having children though is slowly changing me because it turns out that most kids love this holiday…mainly for the chocolate but hopefully also for the fun. Also, I want more chocolate.
In fact I actually dressed up for the first time last year – and I’m not one of those adults who typically dress up for Halloween. (And if you ever need a Pioneer Woman costume – call me!).
Astrid was suppose to be a cupcake. On Halloween morning she decided that cupcakes were overrated and demanded a new costume. So I opened the dress-up chest. Our dress-up chest is now almost big enough to take up a whole bedroom as I never get rid of any Halloween costumes or dance recital costumes. So we dug through and found Esther’s Lion costume from when she was two. So voila. Astrid was a lion which worked out perfectly because Esther was a leopard so we had a wild animal theme going on. And Esther was all leopard all the time. Like fabulous leopard head to toe.
This year Eloise wanted a Katniss Everdeen costume from the Hunger Games. Like obsessed about it because I was a horrible mother and blah blah blah let her read the Hunger Games and blah blah blah even see the movie when she was 9. And guess what, she loved it. Please go to my YouTube video about making your own Katniss Costume and judge me more though. It really makes my day to be judged. Like OMG take the time out of your busy day and judge me. Bring it. Also, if you think the Hunger Games trilogy is about kids killing kids YOU DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE BOOK.(Also note the homemade quiver and arrows I made for her – take that pinterest!)
Anyway, I decided that Eloise was having way too much fun getting her Katniss going on that I needed a brilliant idea for myself. Because why oh why do these kids have all of the fun. I took a quick trip to Savers and found a few things that I hoped would work and somehow created an Effie Trinket Costume.
I picked up my kids from school looking like this. Now THAT is what is awesome about parenting. Embarrassing your kids just gets better everyday. And it really brings more meaning to why parents all need the Halloween Spirit. It’s to bother our children.
So do you dress-up for Halloween? What were you this year?
Here’s what Effie thinks about adults dressing up for Halloween…